FGJ Payment Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") provides the Company's services (credit card payment services, payment agency services, and all other services the Company provides for the purpose of promoting the use of these services, hereinafter referred to as "the Services"). The Company recognizes that it is its social responsibility to protect and appropriately handle customers' personal information entrusted to it in the course of providing the Service. For this reason, we have established the following Privacy Policy, and all executives and employees will comply with it in order to protect customers' personal information to the best of our ability.

Date of Establishment January 31, 2023
FGJ PAYMENT Corporation
Manabu Okubo, President

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations Concerning Personal Information

In handling personal information, we will comply with laws and ordinances, government guidelines, and other norms regarding the proper handling of customers' personal information.

2. Acquisition and use of personal information

We will acquire your personal information legally and appropriately.
The Company will use customers' personal information for the purpose of providing this service and conducting sales activities, and will use the information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use notified to or announced to customers. To this end, we have established procedures for the protection of personal information, and regularly check to ensure that they are being followed. In addition, we educate all executives and employees to ensure that they understand the importance of personal information protection and handle customers' personal information appropriately.

3. Provision of Personal Information

We may provide your personal information to a third party without obtaining your prior consent in the following cases.

  • When we have the consent of the person in question.
  • When required by law.
  • When permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.
  • When we outsource all or part of our business to a third party.

4. Secure management of personal information

We will strive to prevent unauthorized access, loss, falsification, and leakage of personal information, and will implement appropriate security control measures.
We will periodically inspect the content of the security control measures and correct any inadequacies.When we outsource the handling of our customers' personal information, we will supervise the outsourced company in the management of our customers' personal information.

5. Inquiries about personal information

About our retained personal data
Please contact the following for "notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of contents, suspension of use or elimination, suspension of provision to third parties, and request for disclosure of records concerning provision to third parties" ("Request for Disclosure, etc."), or for any inquiry or consultation concerning personal information.

FGJ Payment Corporation Inquiries about Personal Information
Address: Fukuda West Bldg. 3F, 2-11-3 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
Telephonenumber: 03-6824-0288

If a request for disclosure, etc. (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc.) of personal data held by the Company is made in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, the Company will respond to the request after confirming that it is made by the person in question.

6. Continuous improvement of management systems and efforts to protect personal information

We will continuously review and improve our management system and efforts to protect the personal information of our customers and employees. We may revise the "Personal Information Protection Policy" in order to protect the personal information of our customers and employees, and to respond to changes in laws and other regulations. Particularly important changes will be announced on our website.
Basic Policy on My Number
Compliance with Relevant Laws, Regulations, Guidelines, etc.
We will handle specified personal information and personal numbers ("Specified Personal Information, etc.") appropriately in compliance with the "Act on the Use of Personal Information to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures," the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information," and the "Guidelines for the Proper Handling of Specified Personal Information (Business Operators' Edition).

Matters Concerning Safety Control Measures

With respect to security control measures for Specified Personal Information, etc., we will take necessary measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal numbers and to otherwise appropriately control Specified Personal Information, etc.

Contact Us

Inquiries regarding our privacy policy, or requests to confirm, add, change, or delete personal information, should be directed to the following office. We will respond to your request within a reasonable scope only if we can confirm that the request is made by the person himself/herself.